::: 列印功能鍵 pointer
2015/05/06 The development of military morality education among the national forces as to build up the correct cognition (May 6th, 2015)
2015/05/05 The Air Force improved its airfield runway repair capability by adopting the experience of the US Air Force (May 4, 2015)
2015/05/05 Air force runway emergency repair training : simulation of combat to fortify the officers’ response (May 5th, 2015)
2015/04/30 R.O.C Military Servicemen Shopping Center offers a new shopping option with its innovative services (Apr.30, 2015)
2015/04/29 The “Min-An No. 1” exercise was held in Taipei City in order to complete the civil mobilization mechanism for defense. (April 29, 2015)
2015/04/28 Yen Teh-fa and Oscar Salvador Mojíca Obregón, the Chief of General Staff Headquarters, Ministry of Defense, Republic of Nicaragua, awarded military medals to each other, which symbolizes the solid relationship between the armed forces of ROC and NCA
2015/04/27 Kaohsiung Reservist Command Visited the Solitary Elder (Apr.27, 2015)
2015/04/24 Cao, Chun-Fan Praised the Magnanimous Act of Assisting Vehicle Accident Victim (Apr. 24, 2015)
2015/04/23 Yen, De-Fa Hold the Disaster Rescue Demonstration and Claimed the Rescue is Regarded as Warfare (Apr.23, 2015)
2015/04/22 The requiem mass of Mr. Chiang Chung-ling, a former minister of the Ministry of National Defense who had great contribution to the country, was held today. (April 22, 2015)
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